Laser Treatments

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If you have visible veins that are causing you to feel self-conscious about your legs or avoid wearing shorts, skirts, or bathing suits to hide them, you may be a candidate for the CYNOSURE ELITE+. This highly effective treatment can help you enjoy the clear, healthy skin you deserve.

Say Goodbye to Spider Veins, for Good

Visible veins on the legs or other parts of the body can often appear as a natural part of the aging process. While they don’t typically present a particularly urgent medical threat, they can affect your appearance. Here at Rasha's Beauty Skin & Laser, we believe that you deserve to feel all the confidence and empowerment that comes along with clear, beautiful skin.
Men and women alike are making facial, and leg veins a thing of the past. With the most advanced technology, a unique design, and a longer wavelength, the Cynosure Elite+ system can safely and effectively treat both superficial facial veins and deeper blue leg veins on men and women of all skin tones. To learn more, reach out and set up your consultation.

When to Consider Laser Vein Removal

Many of our patients come to us having noticed that small, thin veins are becoming visible just under the skin. This is most commonly seen in the face and legs and tends to start out as a relatively simple cosmetic concern. It’s best to address this concern early on as visible veins can eventually progress into varicose veins, which can sometimes be painful and uncomfortable.
We recommend scheduling a consultation to discuss whether or not laser vein removal is right for you if you’ve been feeling self-conscious about an increased number of visible veins in your face or legs. A member of the Rasha's Beauty Skin & Laser team will learn about your cosmetic goals and work with you to create a treatment plan that enables you to discover your ideal results.